Free Book – Mashiach: Messiah from a True Jewish Perspective

Free Book – Mashiach: Messiah from a True Jewish Perspective




Is it wise to read this book?

Our sages have taught:

“Ben Zoma said: Who is wise?
He who can learn from any man.”
(m.Avot 4:1)

A WISE MAN: It is he who is ready to learn even from his inferiors. With such readiness, if his inferior should present him with a wise view, he will not be ashamed to accept it and will not treat his words with contempt. This was characteristic of David, King of Israel, who said, “...I would pay attention to any man who came to teach me something”
(Simcha Ben Shmuel of Vitry on Avot 4.1).

The Gentile philosophers say that even if a person were to know everything [as it were], if he does not want to increase his knowledge, he is not a wise man but a fool…. On the other hand one who passionately loves to increase his wisdom, may be called a wise man even if he were to know nothing.  Only this way can you attain true wisdom and discover the will of God.  It is to this Ben Zoma is referring when he says that the wise man is he who learns from all men, that is to say, so passionately loves learning that he is ready to ask anyone when he has a question, even individuals with limited knowledge…. This may be compared to a man who lost a small object.  Will he not hunt for it everywhere?”
(Rabbi Jonah on Avot 4:1)

“Accept the truth from whatever source it comes.”
(Maimonides; Introduction to the Shemonah Peraqim)

“Rabbi Meir ate the date and threw away the seeds;
he found a pomegranate, and partaking of the fruit, he rejected the rind.”
(b.Chagigah 15b)

This book is the most important book I have ever written.  This 115 page work explains, from a uniquely Jewish perspective, who the Messiah is, what His purpose is to accomplish, why He is sent, and how He will accomplish Elohim’s purpose for Him. In this book I paint an absolutely accurate picture of the Messiah.  This book establishes the identity of Messiah using only the Tanak and other ancient Jewish writings (The Targums, Talmuds, Midrashim, Sefer Yetzirah, Bahir, Zohar, Dead Sea Scrolls and the writings of Philo).